With globalization and trade, it becomes more and more convenient for us to access wonderful ingredients for cooking from other countries. You may sit at home, making a phone call or ordering online. Or just step into the nearest supermarket. Then a seasonal feast will be present at your table made by ham from Spain, cheese from Italy, veggies from USA, fruits from Netherlands
Almost every decently sized country has some crop that they excel in producing because of the optimal environment. It is often the norm that a country might export some of its produce while having to import the rest that can’t be fully provided internally. Here’re top 10 countries that have the largest export market in the world.
1. USA
2. Netherlands
3. Germany
4. Brazil
5. France
6. China
7. Spain
8. Canada
9. Belgium
10. Italy
In my new series [Seasonal ingredients around the world] , I’ll focus on finding amazing seasonal ingredients all around the world, such as vegetables & herbs, fruits & nuts, meats, etc.
Stay tuned to get more tips about food and fitness !